Sunday, April 10, 2016

Catherine McKenna appeals to renewable energy industry for help to fight climate change

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna wants the renewable energy sector to help Canada create jobs and fight climate change. Read Mike De Souza's National Observer article.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

European refugee crisis coming to an ugly head

Andrew Lodge is a physician with the University of British Columbia. He is currently in Greece working as a medical volunteer with incoming refugees.
In his story, which I just published in National Observer, Andrew argues that we have no idea about the mounting catastrophe.
He points to the people walking through Europe with no home, through pouring rain, snow, mud, encouraging children on with no guarantee of a safe destination, hated by the locals, to have angry police beat them and their children back with batons, to have food thrown at them.... to be caged, fenced, thwarted, to despair to that degree and with no end of the despair in sight.
Andrew's found something to do about it, a difficult grace that eludes most, one that requires bravery and selflessness to make use of. He doesn't have much time to write, he says. But he penned this short painful wake-up call.
Canada has taken in 25,000 refugees in Canada, but millions more have nowhere to go.

Editor Linda Solomon Wood